




[News] [Kampucheathmey] Korea provides $ 250,000 aid kit to Ministry of Education for visually impaired students
2024.08.14 14:00

On August 12, 2024, the Public Procurement Service of the Republic of Korea provided 40 Dot Pads, 5 laptops and 1 tablet. 10 units to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to help students with vision problems.

The grant will be distributed to schools and institutes of special education in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kampong Cham.

Moon Jung Choi, KOICA Country Director for Cambodia, said: “These tools can be the key for intelligent students to see their opportunities. Learn more. ”

Dot Pad is a visual aid for people with visual impairment. It can translate not only text but also graphs, charts or diagrams into Braille, a form of written language for humans. Having trouble viewing.

Put Samith, Undersecretary of State for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, thanked the Republic of Korea and hoped that the assistance would help 213 students and 20 teachers. Having trouble viewing and supporting them to get more information. This type of technology will expand our choice to promote inclusive education.

Article: Sam Oeun